Due to firewalls and other filters you're missing data from 30% of your website visitors.
Making your decisions 30% less accurate.
Turn Google Analytics and other third-party web analytics services into first-party analytics on your own domain. First-party content is accepted by most filters.
Get your traffic back in 5 minutes, securely and efficient.
![]() For on your website, re-routes blocked traffic
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Restore 30% of Your Traffic
Know what's really going on with your website
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On Your Domain
Have Analytics run on mydomain.com/analytics.js
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Works With
Google Analytics, GTag, GTM and eXTReMe Tracking
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Cookie Consent Compatible
Will adhere given consents
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Easy Setup
No changes to your tracking tags or GTM needed
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Stellar Support
Custom Adjustments
Anything, we can assist
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Other Third-Parties
Adobe, Heap, Matomo, Mixpanel
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Dedicated Nodes | |
Dedicated IP TLS Certificates | |
Any Volume | |
Implementation Hands-on | |
SLA + Emergency Reachability | |
After signing up you'll be guided through the few steps to activate rrreGAIN on your website, a preview:
It depends on your traffic type, the percentage ranges from 5% to as high as 60%.
Try it on your website and experience what your percentage is.
It does not affect your regular traffic in any way.
To not intefere with your normal traffic and let the third-party handle it like they do we exclude the regular traffic group from being re-routed.
Nope, it's all blazing performant.
We have nodes in almost all continents, serving your tag directly to your visitors.
The new subdomain will look something like www2.mydomain.com
This is needed to make your third-party analytics act like a first-party.
Yes, HTTPS without any costs and auto renewed.
We'll re-route these tags through your domain when they're blocked.
Yes, we send an Event to Google Analytics if a visitor is regained through your subdomain.
With this Event you can segment and filter to select data from just the regained or just the regular traffic group.
You can disable this within your My Account if this is not needed.
If you compare regained traffic vs regular traffic in Google Analytics you can find out if their behaviour is different. With these findings you can improve your website so that both groups get the best experience and you the most pageviews and conversions.
And ofcourse, analyzing 100% of your traffic is much more accurate instead of just 70%!
Yes, you can cancel your account whenever you wish by sending us a message through your My Account. Recurring will then stop immediately.
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