Terms and Privacy Policy

The rrreGAIN.com tag has to be copied into the source of your page integrally and without any changes. Only then the service will work correctly. If you change the code, eXTReMe digital can't get blamed for any errors showing up.

All services provided by eXTReMe digital may be used for lawful purposes only. We do not provide any services to sites containing material in violation of any Federal, State or City law. We do not provide any services to sites generating traffic by any form of spam.

All information rrreGAIN.com needs in order to register your account will be used only for your rrreGAIN.com Account.

Your Data:
None of your information will be disclosed to anyone without explicit permission.

rrreGAIN Stats:
We aggregate pageview data so we can show our clients the effectiveness of our service. No sessions, users or IP addresses are stored. Raw logs are deleted within 24 hours. The aggregated pageview data will not be used for any behaviour analytics by eXTReMe digital and will not be sold or given to other organizations other than the account holders.

The rreGAIN service on your website doesn't store any cookies or sessions information. To memorize the consent given by visitors our cookiebox stores a first-party cookie with the types of consents given. We use cookies to keep you logged in at your account.

You can cancel your subscriptions anytime you want. Just let us know by email or use the option on your My Account. After cancelling your subscription will be active until the end of your last paid period.

Third-party Usage

rrreGAIN.com works with Stripe to process the billing for the Pro, Ultra and Unlimited versions.

Find Stripe Privacy Policy at:

IP Address Geolocation:
rrreGAIN.com works with the geolocation IP Lookup service from eXTReMe-IP-Lookup.com to enable localized information. Check their privacy policy here.

Data Storage:
We're a global service offering our rrreGAIN services to all countries in the world. We store our data securely on Amazon AWS in the USA and in the EU. Amazon AWS has EU-approved Data Processing Addendum and Model Clauses. We have signed DPAs with Amazon AWS. Meaning we can continue to run our global operations using AWS in full compliance with EU law.

Amazon AWS information:

Cookie Statement

We use Sunny Analytics, which is a cookieless privacy compliant analytics service requiring no consent.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact us here.

Questions? Email us!